1883 Haydock Douay Rheims Bible

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Psalms 17:11 And he ascended upon the cherubim, and he flew; he flew upon the wings of the winds.

Winds. God mounts his chariot, as it were, (Ezechiel 1:4., etc.) to come speedily to David's assistance. Aeschylus, and other pagan authors, seem to have imitated this description. (Eusebius, praep. evan. 13:13.) --- The Fathers explain the former verse of Christ's incarnation, or of his second coming; and this of his ascension. (St. Athanasius, etc.) --- They may also (Haydock) intimate that God is ready to pardon as well as to punish. (Worthington) --- Plato (Phaedro) represents the Deity on "a winged chariot, directing and taking care of all things." (Haydock)